Social Development

Focusing on developing and strengthening the capacity of cooperatives, NGOs, associations and other organizations in rural and urban settings to improve the participation and representation of the poor and women in their own development.

Sl Title Type Sector Client Period
1 “Extended Community Climate Change Project-Flood (ECCCP-Flood) Project” of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)-Baseline Survey Complete Social Development Palli Karma Shohayok Foundation (PKSF) 2022-2023
2 “Establishment of 78 (revised 82) Fire Services & Civil Defense Station at important Upazilla HQs/ Places of the Country (2nd Revised) under the IMED- Impact Study Complete Social Development Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) 2023-2023
3 “Establishing of 560 model mosques and Islamic cultural centers in Zila & upazila of Bangladesh (2nd Revised)- Indepth Monirtoring Complete Social Development Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) 2023-2023
4 “Baseline Study” of Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP) of PKSF Ongoing Social Development Palli Karma Shohayok Foundation (PKSF) 2022-2023
5 “Design and Implement Training Program of Trade Facilitation for Women Traders including Regulatory Regime and Procedural Aspects of Trade” under BRCP-1 (Contract Package No.: BRCP1/MOC/ SD-21) Ongoing Social Development Ministry of Commerce 2022-2023
6 Online Data Verification of 6th Performance Assessment of Upazila Parishad under Upazila Governance and Development Project (UGDP) Ongoing Social Development Local Government Division (LGD) 2022-2023
7 Developing Sector Action Plan for Firm Category-3: Religion-Culture-Recreation Sector under the SAP-SEID & CD Project of Planning Commission Ongoing Social Development Bangladesh Planning Commission 2023-2024
8 “The Sustainable Social in Chittagong Hill Tracts Area (2nd Revised)”- In-depth Monitoring Complete Social Development Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) 2022-2022
9 “Increasing Income and Creating Employment through Production and Marketing of Imitation Gold Jewelry” under ‘Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) Project” of PKSF-IFAD Loan No. 2000000722 & Grant No. 2000000835-Impact Study Complete Social Development Palli Karma Shohayok Foundation (PKSF) 2022-2023
10 Training Exercises and Drills (TED) Program under Bangladesh Urban Resilience Project (URP DDM Part)-IDA/WB Credit # 5599 (Package No.: BD-DDM-29946-CS-QBS) Complete Social Development Ministry of Disaster and Relief 2018-2020